6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Empty Nest
When you have an empty nest, a world of opportunities opens up. These tips will help you take advantage of your free time and resources as an empty nester.
Finding Networking Opportunities for Active Seniors
Staying active after retirement can sometimes be a challenge for seniors. And finding ways to stay engaged isn’t always easy once you’re out of the workforce.
A Look At Reverse Mortgages
As with most things promoted to us, there are positives and negatives to consider in determining if a Reverse Mortgage is what you need.
Cyber Security Updates
How can we reduce our chances of being a victim of cybercrime?
Married Later: Building a Life in Your Golden Years
More than ever, more couples divorce in their golden years. Divorce as an older adult can feel devastating.
An “Old Fogy’s” View On University vs. Trade Education
I thought that I would put down the advice I would give to my own grandchildren at this threshold of their lives.
Isn’t Anybody Listening To Themselves?
I don’t know about you, but when I tried that “everybody else does it” excuse for my own youthful foibles, it didn’t work so well with my parents.
Tips for Senior Caregivers Wanting to Start a Side Hustle
It's important to know where to begin and what options fit into your life best.
Getting Older Doesn’t Mean We Can’t Handle the Basics
I had a strange request. One of my clients asked if I would go to the doctor with her.
A Not So Lost Tribe
The Extravagari DNA lives on - or does it?
COVID defeated at last!
At least that would seem to be so judging by the behaviour of my fellow citizens...
The IRS is Calling…Is It For Real This Time?
There was a great line from the movie, Network… “I’m mad as hell and I am not going to take this anymore.”
Need cash quickly? 4 options for when you need money for a financial emergency
Sometimes life throws us curve balls, and we are forced to confront a financial emergency we aren't prepared for. What are your options?
A Home-Based Business May Be Ideal for Retiring Seniors
If you are nearing retirement and have dreamed of starting a business in the past, it may be time to revisit that dream.
Top Stunning Gemstone Jewelry Pieces for Everyday Style
Many people love to wear gemstone silver jewelry, but few know about its actual healing and metaphysical benefits.
The Senior’s Guide to Starting a Successful House-Flipping Business
If you’ve long nursed a dream about having a successful business of your own in retirement, house-flipping may be just the ticket.
How to Effectively Market Your Business as a Senior Entrepreneur
Effectively marketing a business can seem like a challenging endeavor to many senior entrepreneurs. However, getting on the right path may be easier than it initially appears.
Being a good “Covie”
When faced with two red lines on the little plastic RAT, we need to take the situation seriously and do whatever necessary to eradicate the infection. There are a few, very basic steps we can take to help the immune system do its job.
Random Thoughts On The Ukraine
Do you see the similarities in President Putin going in to “liberate” Russian people living in Ukraine, to that same rationale Hitler used in Poland, Czechoslovakia and other countries?
The Far Reaching Effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Intestinal permeability, or leaky gut as it is commonly known, is a condition that is attracting more attention from medical professionals.
Random Thoughts While Snowed In
Several questions occurred to me, and I know there will be no answers to them, but I share them for you just to get them off my chest.
Shouldn’t Woke Go Farther?
I am convinced that there is no level beneath which the Woke and Thought Police cannot go. Therefore, I thought I might offer them a few suggestions about Christmas that need revision or outright expulsion.
Reentering the Workforce
What if you are looking to improve your finances? How to maximize your interview prospects.
When Everyone Has Gone Home
She was now alone, everyone had gone back to their normal lives, but her life was far from normal. Her partner was now gone.