The Silver Life - Online community and resource for active Silver Surfers

Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

The Silver Life

Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

Reentering the Workforce

Wanting to put some extra money in your pocket? How to increase your chances of a successful interview.

With employers and businesses desperate for qualified and motivated workers, maybe you’ve thought about spending some of your time back with a new set of people, learn some new skills, add your experience to others, and earn a little extra pocket money.  Because of the effects of COVID on the workplace, many employers are willing to try new and innovative changes to their own workplaces. Some of those changes may include the willingness to have more part time employees, more flexible hours, and the ability to work from home.

We, Silver Lifers, offer some substantial benefits to employers in many instances. For instance, we have an established work ethic and track record of success; we generally require fewer benefits since we already have health care and retirement taken care of; we are not in danger of taking substantial time off for family care, birth, or pediatrician visits; we bring a lifetime of skills and knowledge with that can greatly help in mentoring younger employees as well as increase production.

In another, more subjective, way companies benefit from having we Silver Lifers because they can show a greater diversity in their demographics and, as Jim Sinocchi of JP Morgan has found  “When people see a company that reflects themselves, they’re more likely to purchase goods and services form that company”.  We know that we are representative of a large percent of the population and that we spend money that could help raise the revenue of the company that employs us.

I am close with a Human Resources professional who is employed by an organization employing over 2200 people. She is constantly faced with applicants that are ill prepared for interviews and seem indifferent to the prospect of joining the workforce.  With that in mind, I’ve asked her what she and her team find most problematic with interviewees and what they would like to see in prospective employees.  Her thought are as follows…

We all know that first impressions are critical, so having an applicant arrive on time, be well-groomed, and in professional attire is critical.  An applicant that shows up late and  is dressed casually or even sloppily will be immediately relegated to the end of the list of candidates.  So when you go for your interview, dig out or purchase some professional attire and  show up early enough that you have time to check your appearance in the bathroom mirror and have a moment to relax and gather yourself.

Next would probably be preparation.  An applicant should know the requirements of the position and be able to speak to your strengths and enthusiasm in meeting those requirements. In addition, you should have researched the company or organization interviewing you so you know their business plan, their culture, the key executives and managers, and their history. All too often applicants are ignorant of these most essential facts about the company they are, supposedly, thinking of joining. Many have not even researched the position they are seeking to fill and do not know the requirements of the position.

Be prepared to answer questions from the prospective employer.  Why do you leave your last job? How long have you been out of the workforce? What have you been doing with your time? How do you think you will be able to adapt to, or learn new skills? Answer these and any others in 20 seconds or less. Also, spend some preparation time in remembering your triumphs and successes that you can quickly share if appropriate.

Finally, have some good questions to ask of the person or persons interviewing you.  It is impressive to have someone demonstrate that they are interested enough to have thought about the position, the company, and the management, and that they have spent time seeing how they can fit in.  An interview is not meant to be one-sided; you should also be, tactfully, interviewing the company as well.

These thoughts are, admittedly, very brief and not in depth.  However, they may help if you are prepared to join a team and share your wealth of experience.  If rejoining the workforce is not on your agenda, these thoughts may be of value to someone you  know who does want to consider taking up a position or even to our grandchildren who all too often seem to not understand that employers are not waiting for themselves to be blessed with this latest graduate.

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About the Author: Dennis F.

Dennis has lived or traveled in Australia, the United States and Asia. He is an Army veteran with a PhD in Child and Developmental Psychology. He currently lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina, USA, with his wife Nancy and two dogs. Dennis is keenly interested in antiques, particularly militaria and coins. He occupies his time researching and writing for The Silver Life and caretaking houses for the summer residents of the mountains. Dennis is a founding member of The Silver Life.

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