Why Do Our Kids Want Us Dead?
Baby Boomers: The list of our sins is as long as anyone wants to make it. But the joy for the Millennials is that by 2030 they will inherit what is estimated to be $68 Trillion.
Baby Boomers: The list of our sins is as long as anyone wants to make it. But the joy for the Millennials is that by 2030 they will inherit what is estimated to be $68 Trillion.
I want future generations to understand that we, too, faced challenges, made our mark, and we also wanted to leave a better world for our own children and grandchildren.
How is it that when you ask a little kid a question, the honesty of the answer hits you in the face?
You have now found yourself "retired, retrenched, passed over" or whatever the newest politically correct way of saying that you are no longer employed at your life’s chosen career.