The ABC of Ageing
We could all do with a little bit of reflection and mindfulness in our lives - so here goes...
We could all do with a little bit of reflection and mindfulness in our lives - so here goes...
Are we climbing back up the tree? Will we soon be communicating via grunts?
During this long year, I think I suffered from tired blood. I was pooped after a long day; actually, I was pooped even after a short day. I was even pooped when I got up in the morning.
Clearly, not everyone is open to change and it may be true to say that resistance to change increases with age. Having said that, I am prepared to wager that the proportion of people resistant to change is fast decreasing.
If you've ever had an extended stay from family and were frantically keeping up appearances, you'll recognise some of these shenanigans!
Baby Boomers: The list of our sins is as long as anyone wants to make it. But the joy for the Millennials is that by 2030 they will inherit what is estimated to be $68 Trillion.
I want future generations to understand that we, too, faced challenges, made our mark, and we also wanted to leave a better world for our own children and grandchildren.
So, let’s take things in order: We only use 911 here in the good old United States.
Let’s face it – we were all young whippersnappers once.
Caring for our parents is at the same time a privilege and an obligation that involves the sacrifice of privacy, time, and money.
All in all, this getting older is not all roses, but there are some pretty neat aspects of enjoying the Silver Life.
How to recognize when your parents can no longer look after themselves.