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Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

Nearing the Nest: Moving Closer to Your Children

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Empty Nest6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Empty Nest
Aretha Franklin/Getty ImagesUncomfortable, But Necessary, Issue

As parents, we naturally want to be close to our children and grandkids. If you’re an empty nester looking for a change of scenery, why not move closer to your family?

Here are some helpful tips from The Silver Life for making the transition as stress-free as possible.

Advantages of Getting Closer

Moving closer to your family comes with many benefits. Not only will you have a chance to spend more quality time with your loved ones, but you can also benefit from their support while living in a new city or town. Additionally, if you’re retired, moving closer could give you access to activities and new career opportunities that may not have been available before.

Prepare to Sell Your House

If you’re moving away from your current home, it is important to take the necessary steps to make sure it is sold quickly. Consider hiring a real estate agent who specializes in selling homes in the area you are moving from and start marketing your home early so that potential buyers get enough time to view your property before deciding whether or not they would like to purchase it.

If you need to make any repairs, now is the time to find reputable contractors and get the process started. Download a homeowner’s app that connects you with experts in your area. Click for more information about additional features, like video chats with experts and maintenance reminders you can use for your next home!

Clean Up, Donate, and Organize

Before packing up for the move, take some time to go through all of your belongings and decide which items should stay and which should go. Donating any clothing or furniture that is no longer used can help declutter your house ahead of the move while also ensuring those same items don’t end up costing extra money during transport or storage fees when relocating.

Take These Things into Account for a House

When searching for a new place, consider all factors such as location, budget, size, and amenities. Do research on potential neighborhoods or cities you would like to live in, and if possible, visit them in person before signing any documents or agreements. It is important to make sure that you understand what type of home will best suit your needs so that all expectations are met.

Decide Whether to Rent or Buy

Renting an apartment can be a great way to save money and offer flexibility if plans change in the future. Apartments often have amenities like swimming pools and fitness centers, but there are also restrictions on painting walls, remodeling projects, and pet limitations that are part of the landlord/tenant agreement. It’s important to research both buying a house and renting an apartment to consider all the pros and cons before making a decision.

Practise De-Stressing When Moving

Planning ahead is essential for a successful relocation. Creating lists of tasks to be done such as setting up utilities, researching schools and packing is important to keep track of. Arranging movers or shipping companies can be useful too. Doing all this will help reduce the stress caused by trying to juggle multiple tasks at once and focus solely on the task at hand.

Establish an LLC for a New Endeavor

Retiring from a career can be the perfect time to take a leap of faith and start a new business venture. An individual with years of experience and specialized knowledge in the finance or accounting industry can form an LLC with the help of a formation service, provide consulting services, or register a trademark under their newly created legal entity. This can create demand for the services provided by these professionals, backed by their hard-earned credentials.

Prepare for a Worry-Free Relocation

Moving closer to the family can provide many benefits, such as increased access to activities and career opportunities, as well as much-needed support during the transition. Preparing ahead of time is key, taking into account all points discussed above when making a move. Doing so can ease the stress of potential surprises down the line and make for a successful relocation. With the right precautions in place, you can enjoy the newfound freedom that comes with living near loved ones without worrying about unexpected road bumps along the way.

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About the Author: Teresa Greenhill

Teresa is a guest writer for The Silver Life. She manages the web site Mental Health for Seniors, which is dedicated to providing seniors with information on physical and mental fitness so that they can be active and happy in their golden years.

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