The Silver Life - Online community and resource for active Silver Surfers

Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

The Silver Life

Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

Don’t beat that drum!

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Why is it that sales people in the IT sector feel obliged to throw IT products around and/or beat out a drum rhythm on the packaging of these items?

Far more often than not, these items are the result of very expensive research and development and they are designed to carry out complex functions within the IT sphere.

I realise that sales functions may not always be mentally satisfying but please have respect for those involved in the design, development and production of these items – and for the customers who pay good money to buy them.

Grumpy With Arms CrossedConsider yourself at times a “grumpy old man/woman”? Send us your grumble and we may post it here.


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About the Author: Grumpy

Grumpy is a fictional character, but we are certain that he's very recognizable. There's a little bit of Grumpy in all of us!

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