Gender: Male
Children: Yes, son and daughter
Highest school level: High School diploma
Social background: Male, 64 years of age. Married, two adult children. Grandfather. Experienced B2B marketing manager. IT and financial background.
Career: Started in the financial services industry. Moved to the IT-sector after a couple of years and became a technical IT-professional. After a few years I rolled into management. At first as a project and departemental manager, later in my career as an MD of several IT-companies. My last job for retirement was marketing director of an IT product and services company.
Retirement plans: Already partially retired
Forced into retirement: Yes
Retirement preparation: Didn’t plan for retirement. No specific plans.
Describe typical day: Approx. two days a week I’m working as a freelance marketing consultant. I’m learning how to develop apps. Just to keep my brains working and be active.
Look forward to retirement: Yes
Expectations: Free time, No stress
Hobbies: No not really.
Continue to work: Yes, but for a period of 12 months from now.
Retraining: No retraining required
What would you change about second career: Nothing. I’m not pursuing a second career.
Encounter ageism: Very well. No problems.
Did you relocate: No
Live near family: Yes
Advice for others: Stay active. Don’t sit down and do nothing.
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