I know that I recently wrote that I was finally fed up with the grandstanding and self-centeredness of our President, but now I have reconsidered.
I must confess that I have never received an A+ during my education experience but could imagine how wonderful that would have been to take such a grade home to my parents and listen to their glee and amazement.
But now that I know that President Trump has awarded himself an A+ I can only imagine how proud his family must be and how his adoring fans are beside themselves with ecstasy. Just knowing that he has achieved this astronomically high level of excellence and perfection gives me pause when I, in moments of weakness, question his behavior and self-centered world view.
After all, if one achieves an A+ in one’s chosen occupation, one should have every right to trumpet oneself at each and every occasion and have one’s judgment accepted without qualm.
On that same theme, I have realized that our revered and exalted leader has also brilliantly shown us how to immediately revise our legal system. By talking with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia and asking him if he was responsible in any way for the gruesome murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and subsequently announcing the prince’s innocence based on that conversation, President Trump has shown the way to revamp and streamline our entire legal system.
Think about the implications for law enforcement. Instead of going through the tedious process of arresting, booking, and holding over for trial any suspect, the arresting officer can now merely ask the possible perpetrator if he did the crime. If the suspect denies involvement, he can go free and the police will not be troubled with gathering evidence, testing evidence forensically, running fingerprints, and many other of the tedious details that bring a suspect to trial and conviction.
And thinking of that, we could probably lessen the overcrowding of our prisons by asking each prisoner now incarcerated whether he or she was imprisoned falsely and if they are, indeed, innocent. Since many of those incarcerated probably claim their innocence, this would allow us to concentrate on only those who, I am sure honestly, admit their guilt. Now we won’t have crowded conditions, staff shortages, and overworked parole officers. Not only is life better for all, but our taxes should go down as a result of this new way of ascertaining guilt and/or innocence.
The backlog in our court system would now vanish with the absence of so many innocent people that were apparently falsely charged based on something as flimsy as evidence gathered and witness testimony. So now we would have no more waiting for months and years to have a case tried. If the person admits his or her guilt, off to the now uncrowded prisons or paying the fine imposed. But if there is a proclamation of innocence, that person can now go back to his life without the cost of a defense and the time spent in jail awaiting trial or the cost of posting bail. The down side is that criminal defense lawyers will be a little short of work, but that is a small price to pay for this breakthrough.
And lest we limit this to criminal court, this should also extend to civil matters. For instance, if one is audited by the IRS then there is no necessity to go through that ugly procedure, just tell them that they are mistaken, and you did not falsely claim your cat and dog as dependents, as well as writing off the around the world cruise as a business expense. The highway enforcement can now be limited to accident prevention, because even if the radar showed you going 85 in a school zone, you can point out the error in their equipment by just telling them that you are innocent. Teachers no longer have to look for cheating and plagiarism. When in doubt they just have to ask the students whether they are innocent or not.
Using the example of our President of ignoring evidence gathered by the CIA, the Turkish law enforcement agencies, and others; to just go straight to a phone inquiry of guilt or innocence has wonderful ramifications in myriad areas of society. I am sure we will all sleep better once these principles are applied as I have described and in other areas I haven’t thought of.
After all, a person receiving an A+ means that there are no errors in his thinking, doesn’t it?