The Silver Life - Online community and resource for active Silver Surfers

Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

The Silver Life

Online Community & Resource for Active Silver Surfers

The ABC of COVID-19

The Importance of the Sleep / Wake CycleThe Importance of the Sleep / Wake Cycle
The Far Reaching Effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome

COVID comes forward two steps and sometimes, but only sometimes, goes back just one step.  Why is this?  It’s as simple as the ABC of human behaviour.

A = Arrogance

B = Bloody-mindedness

C = Carelessness

D = Dumbness

E = Empty headed

F = Expletive deleted

G = Gone to visit my neighbour

H = Hopelessness

I = Idiocy

J = Just this once (I’ll break the rules)

K = Kamikaze

L = Laziness

M = Might get away with it

N = Not a care in the world

O = Oneself (the only important person in the world)

P = Personal considerations only

Q = Quackery

R = Rights (it’s in my rights to do whatever I want)

S = Self interest

T = Totally arrogant, stupid, and selfish

U = Ugly customer

V = Very stupid indeed

W = What can go wrong for me?  I’m immune

X = Xenophobic

Y = You don’t count

Z = Zen (will get me through all of this inconvenience)


You can see my point, I’m sure.  Maybe we’ll get out of this pandemic one day – but only when our fellow humans learn how to conduct themselves in these most dangerous times.

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About the Author: George Simpson

George is our Editor-in-Chief. He has been involved in many aspects of management and consultancy throughout his professional life. He is the embodiment of a typical "Silver Lifer" and continues to have significant meaning to those around him and society as a whole. Follow George on George is a founding member of The Silver Life.

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