Age: 80 or older
Children: Yes
Highest school level: College/University degree
Social background: Married , 3 adult children who are all financially independent and live independently, own our home and a holiday house, two cars and camper trailer. My husband is already retired. Love swimming, movies and catching up for coffee with friends.
Career: Registered Nurse, working part time in a clinic as Senior Nurse.
Retirement plans: Plan to wholly retire
Describe typical day: Work day is 8.45 to 5pm Monday and Tuesday only. When not working I swim in the morning and garden, walk or sew in the afternoons when at home. Looking forward to travelling more in our camper when I retire.
Look forward to retirement: Yes
Expectations: Being able to enjoy our fab garden… grow our own food. Good health and live, not exist.
Hobbies: Swimming, bike riding, sewing, walking, gardening.
Continue to work: No
Encounter ageism: Very well
Live near family: Yes
Advice for others: Think carefully before you go and start introducing outside activities/hobbies before you leave.
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