For those of who read my blogs, it is obvious that I am a movie fan
I love movies and have been going to movies for so long that I can remember Saturday afternoons when my best friend and I would go to the Troy Theatre and pay $.75 to get in, see two movies, and eat ourselves numb on NECCO wafers, Bit-O-Honey and Root Beer Barrels.
There will be a nexus here, but bear with me.
In my last post, I mentioned New Year Resolutions including mine, which is to be relevant. I received a lot of e-mails from readers asking…well what does that mean?
Is it a secret, buried in some aisle of Barnes & Noble under “personal growth?” Nope. It is looking in the mirror each morning and thinking, ‘what am I going to do with the day, TODAY?’
Am I meeting with clients? Am I going to write? Am I going to study something? Which online newspapers will I read? What news will I watch? Who could possibly benefit from something I can do today?
Think of the movie The Mirror Has Two Faces with Barbara Streisand. We can look at the mirror and see someone who is aging, someone who may lose his pep – and even step – as the day presses on, someone who has some sagging skin. Or, we can look in the mirror and get excited that we can DO something today.
The first step to being relevant is knowing that you have the day to do something. We can fritter the day away, or we can do something….
Maybe, as we age, our role is to volunteer. Perhaps we are to help young guys coming back from war who need someone to talk to or maybe we are to help a young kid read a book. How about just finding out who needs help – and helping them. The world is a big place and there is no shortage of a need to help.
In the last post, I mentioned that maybe our generation could be the second greatest generation ever. Our fathers went to war and became heroes.
Maybe our role is to provide the greatest volunteer help this world has ever seen…We have the greatest amount of experience any generation has ever accumulated. Let’s offer this experience, this knowledge and this interest. There’s a ton of people out there who want what we got!
How about checking out the mirror again in the morning— and see who’s looking back!?
Take my advice for what it is… It’s just as I see it